As the head of fashion partnerships at Instagram, Eva Chen knows better than anyone what makes the "perfect" Instagram outfit. Her #EvaChenPose pictures, where she photographs her shoes, handbag and fruit in the back of a taxi, have become so popular that over 18,000 pictures use the hashtag, and she has over 750,000 followers on her own account. Eva always opts for playful, conversation-starting accessories that she can bring to life on her page, whether that's with a Boomerang, a slow-mo video and or plenty of sparkle courtesy of the KiraKira app. Her outfits are never too formal or serious, she is usually seen in bright OTT coats, dramatic fringed skirts and colours that make you smile. Her motto is "Why wear all-black when you can wear an entire rainbow?" Keep scrolling to see 13 of Eva Chen's best looks and shop her key pieces.