The high-street excels in so many areas. However, we find that handbags can be harder to shop for on a budget. It can be difficult to find affordable leather handbags that don't look cheap and won't fall to pieces the minute you put a laptop in them. But there is one under-the-radar high-street label that creates on-trend, expensive-looking handbags that won't break the bank.
Singaporean label Charles & Keith is the Zara of the accessories world, and although you can order its bags online, it still remains a relatively insider name here in the UK. This has been our secret go-to place to go for minimal, pared-back designs with a selection of tan, black and navy bucket bags, backpacks and top-handle bags. As well as practical everyday totes, the brand has also nailed the micro-bag trend with mini saddle bags and sparkling clutches. Did we mention their impressive shoe selection is also a Who What Wear team favourite?